Sunday, May 27, 2007

Assignment 2 - Reflection

So much technology so little time. Wow, there are so many tools out there to use. Currently, I am putting together a wiki for a science projecty that two of our 7th grade science teachers are doing. My goal is to have the requirements of the assignment and links for the students to use on the wiki. Then the students can add their thoughts and any useful information that they have found to the wiki.

A blog was created by me for the Young Adult Literature staff development that I facilitate at Merton Williams. The blog was used so participants could share their thoughts and ideas about what they have read. This also helped participants when they were unable to come to a class because of meetings, etc. I am currently considering creating a course for the summer which would allow partipants to keep on reading and discussing books over the summer.

It would be interesting to develop a way to use a wiki or a blog to make the library a more integral part in the students career at Merton Williams. I am thinking a book review wiki or blog to give students a voice about what they have read.


Terri said...

I love the idea of putting an entire project(directions and links) on the wiki. As a parent of a soon-to-be 6th grader, I am concerned he is not using technology enough given today's world trends. I hope you take the time to share the wiki with other teachers as a way inform and inspire. A book review wiki is a great idea too - love when we give kids authentic reasons to write!

Mrs. Boccuzzi-Reichert said...

Last week I put together a "last minute" wiki for a social studies teacher to use with her class. The students have just started to use it. I have shared it with our assistant principal and want to find a venue to share it with the staff.

The thing that has amazed me is how easy and quick it is to create the wiki. It only took about an hour.

teacherlee said...

I am impressed with your misconceptions wiki. Glad that you found people and time to create it. The idea of incorporating this into your library is intriguing. We need to get kids to talk more about books and author's meaning. I have this dream about a world where students wanted to go deeper into their own thinking and honestly make connections with text and each oterh. Mostly, I would like to see them connect with their own ideas. I believe that literature can help. Good luck with that Wiki. I will visit and interact with it.

Denise said...

I also like to be able to view a project and directions in one place. I have gone numerous times to teachers web sites (not many have them, or are not updated enough) to see what assignment are do etc. The "papers" also seem to get lost in the suffle and phone calls are always being made to find out, "when is it do?, or we have to do that?" I love the idea of using the wiki to post that information. It's so easy to use. The students can even post whatever homework they have there as well. As I said before, a wiki's use is ever changing and growing.

Mrs. Boccuzzi-Reichert said...

Wikis are easy to use. I think technology and be overwhelming to some if they are not sure how or when to use it. Also, people are always talking about time and not having enough to do everything they need to do. Maybe we need to start thinking about doing things differently. I think posting assignments to a wiki or website is probably just as time consuming as adding it to the blackboard - again it is all what we are comfortable with. (Actually I prefer typing to writing)

It is a paradigm shift - change is difficult for many...

iliketech said...

Blogs seem to be a perfect enviornment for people to have discussions about books. At least one of the English teachers at the High School does a similar thing. Since the regents exam wants kids to think critically about the theme, characterizaion, symbolism... of books this can help teachers really drive home these concepts on a blog.

godmother said...

I'm hoping to hook some of my students up to a blog with others who are reading the same book. Angela, if you already know of such blogs out there (for example, on Gary Paulsen's Hatchet?) perhaps you could save us some search time? Just a thought.

Mr. D. said...

Great ideas Ang and class! The library is the place to take out and return books. A virtual library could also be the place to reflect, ponder, respond to others' writing about their reading. A wiki or blog could be an electronic literature group...especially appealing to kids who have difficulty with speaking up in a group or kids who are on different teams/schedules.

I'm glad you shared how easy it can be to start a wiki. Ease-of-use is key to success. I look forward to keeping in touch and seeing your success.

DianeS said...

I'd love to keep posted on the MW tech you are implementing. I feel I need to use it or lose it.

irish said...

You have great ideas for the kids at MW. I love the book review idea as well. That would also be a great idea for a study group or a book club for adults (professional development idea maybe). It all sounds great. Good luck.